View this email in your browser In this issue: Save the Date: June Monthly Meeting Follow ups: May Monthly Meeting Other Updates: Nairobi Civil Society Conference Town Hall recording Summit
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  View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW68 Forum Updates: Deadline to submit applications Exhibit Booths & Handbook Ads is February 12 Save the Date: Second Parallel Event Organizer Training Save the
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*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|*   View this email in your browser In this issue: Follow-Up: April Monthly Meeting In-Person Event: Documentary Screening Save the Date: May Monthly Meeting NGO CSW/NY Calendar of Events
  View this email in your browser           In this issue: NGO CSW67 Forum Info Register to access the Virtual Portal Advocacy & Research Group’s Zero Draft
    View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW67 Forum Info Virtual Portal is open Advocacy & Research Group’s Zero Draft Recommendations Exhibit Booth & Handbook Ad
    View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW67 Forum Info Virtual Portal is open Advocacy & Research Group’s Zero Draft Recommendations Parallel Event application next steps
View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW67 Forum Info Important Dates Open Forum on CSW67 Parallel Event applications Exhibit Booth & Handbook Ad applications CSW67 Updates Follow-Up:

October 2021 Monthly Newsletter

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September 2021 Monthly Newsletter

    View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW/NY Updates CSW66 and NGO CSW66 Forum Updates NGO CSW/NY 50th Anniversary Report: NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Report

July 2021 Monthly Newsletter

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June 2021 Monthly Newsletter

  View this email in your browser           NGO CSW Survey for CSW Working Methods Results After the disappointing CSW65 Agreed Conclusions, it was clear that the

May 2021 Monthly Newsletter

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April 2021 Monthly Newsletter

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March 2021 Monthly Newsletter

    View this email in your browser       Register here     Advocacy Research Group for CSW65 Updates After almost five months of collaborative research and outreach

February 2021 Monthly Newsletter

    View this email in your browser           Register for the next event in the series, Youth Activist Space: Effective Advocacy in International Fora now! Learn

January 2021 Monthly Newsletter

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December 2020 Monthly Newsletter

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In this issue Generation Equality Forum Paris Opening Ceremony 2021 – 2023 NGO CSW/NY Executive Committee Announcing the Young Feminist Award Winners! Recording: June Monthly Meeting Beijing+25 Memories & Messages
In this issue CSW Working Methods Survey Results Sign-on: Civil Society Criteria for UN Women Executive Director Selection CSW Communications Procedure Generation Equality Forum Updates Save the Date: June Monthly
In this issue NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Highlights NGO CSW Survey for CSW Working Methods Share Your Story: Beijing+25 Online Books Contribute: UN75 ‘We the Peoples’ Digital Consultation NGO CSW/NY
In this issue NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Updates Youth Preparation Series for NGO CSW65 Recording: Virtual Platform Training for Parallel Event Organizers Recording: January Monthly Meeting Recording: Voices of Today
In this issue NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Updates Event: Virtual Forum Platform Training for Parallel Event Organizers Recording: NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Platform Training Event: Symposium on the Role of
  In this issue NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Updates Event: NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Platform Training Recording: November Monthly Meeting NGO CSWs in the Regions Updates Event: The Agency & Participation
  In this issue NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum Updates Recording: October Monthly Meeting Youth Leaders & Young Professionals Mentorship Program NGO CSWs in the Regions Updates Save the Date: November Monthly
  In this issue Recording: September Monthly Meeting CSW65 Expert Group Meeting CSW65 Written Statements for NGOs NGO CSWs in the Regions Updates Briefing: Trends in specific recommendations issued by
In this issue September Monthly Meeting How the Beijing Women’s Conference Speaks to Us Today: EQUALITY Introducing our new Youth Leaders & Young Professionals Program Women & Leadership in Humanitarian
In this issue NGO CSWs in the Regions UpdatesFeminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan VoiceVoice DialoguesUN Women @ 10 Online BookEvent: Girls Platform for Action: A Girl’s Agenda for Beijing+25
In this issue Recording- Beyond the Hashtag: Youth & Feminist Leadership for Racial JusticeWomen Have Wings Partnership for Generation EqualityImagine a Post-COVID-19 City with Women’s Human RightsUN Women @ 10
In this issue Save the Date: Virtual HLPF EventMay Monthly Meeting RecapNGO CSW/NY Gender Mapping ReportSave the Date: June Monthly Meeting Save the Date: Co-Sponsored Virtual HLPF Event NGO CSW/NY
In this issue April Monthly Meeting RecapTransformation through Inter-Connectedness SeriesVirtual NGO CSW64 Forum EventsWomen Rise for AllFeminist and Women’s Action Movement UpdatesFinancing for Development ForumSave the Date: May Monthly Meeting
In this issue Message from the NGO CSW/NY ChairNGO CSW/NY Virtual Conversations: Transformation through Inter-ConnectednessVirtual NGO CSW64 Forum EventsCSW64 Political DeclarationBeijing+25 Study Group Recommendations DocumentNew York NGO Parallel ReportSave the
In this issue NGO CSW64 Forum Cancellation NoticeCSW64 Cancellation NoticeRegister: Virtual Consultation DayLog On. Rise Up. Webinar by World PulseVirtual Parallel Event PossibilitiesCSW64 Statements from NGOsHigh-Level Meeting and Multi-Stakeholder Hearing#MyEqualityDeclaration CampaignFeminist and
In this issue Parallel Events ScheduleParallel Events Rules and Code of ConductPurchase a Handbook Ad Now!Caucus of Women and Girls of African DescentConsultation Day and Reception TicketsFeminist & Women’s Movement
In this issue Consultation Day Tickets are Now on Sale!Women of Distinction AwardeesUpcoming Thematic Working Group Maestro ConferenceDecember Monthly Meeting RecapUpcoming Planning Committee MeetingUpcoming January Monthly MeetingParallel Events Decision Deadline ReminderCalendar
In this issue November Monthly Meeting RecapUpcoming Planning Committee MeetingUpcoming December Monthly MeetingParallel Events Applications updateWomen of Distinction Award updatesHandbook Submissions are still open!Calendar of Events November Monthly Meeting RecapBy:
In this issue October Monthly Meeting RecapUpcoming Planning Committee MeetingUpcoming November Monthly MeetingNext Young Professionals MeetingParallel Event Applications and NGO Forum registration now open!NGO Parallel Report Guide on AppCalendar of Events
In this issue September Monthly Meeting RecapUpcoming Planning Committee MeetingUpcoming October Monthly MeetingSave the Date: Next Young Professionals MeetingGeneration Equality Launch EventUN Women Expert Papers for CSW64Survey for the U.S.
In this issue The Impact of Climate Change on WomenYoung Professionals Mentorship Program UpdatesUpcoming Monthly MeetingUpcoming Planning Committee MeetingIn memoriam Read Newsletter
In this issue NGO CSW/NY Values and Working AgreementsWashington DC Visa Briefing RecapYoung Professional Meeting RecapUpcoming event: Young Professionals MeetingSave the Date: September Monthly MeetingUpcoming partner event: Summer Sidebar Read