In this issue
NGO CSWs in the Regions Updates
Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan VoiceVoice Dialogues
UN Women @ 10 Online Book
Event: Girls Platform for Action: A Girl’s Agenda for Beijing+25 & Beyond
Policy Brief: Save the Children’s #ProtectaGeneration Campaign
A Feminist Recovery Plan for Canada
September Monthly Meeting
2020-2021 Calendar
NGO CSWs in the Regions Updates
Building on the momentum of the Beijing +25 process, over the next 12 months Asia Pacific Women’s Watch will be working collaboratively to build a number of regional conversations about Gender Equality and Women’s Rights. These will take the form of webinars and interactive conversations. We will contextualise discussions into the current pandemic crisis and investigate what strategies are effective to mobilise, impact decision makers and policy discussions.

You can now join virtual conversations about the first theme, Inclusive Development, Shared Prosperity, and Decent Work.
Choose your own day and time. You can also decide another time and date and invite others.
UN Women @ 10 Online Book Section
To mark UN Women’s 10th anniversary, civil society is leading the development of an online book for UN@75, titled Thank You, United Nations. We are expanding the book and adding a section for UN Women, titled: “Women Changed the UN – and the UN helped Women Change the World.” The section will reflect on the history of UN Women, recount its impact on the lives of women and families, and provide a look to the future. Download the concept note for more information.

Event: Girls’ Platform for Action: A Girl’s Agenda for Beijing+25 and Beyond
The ‘Girls’ Platform for Action’ is the result of consultations with adolescent girl groups across 12 countries, who engaged in a critical review of the Beijing Platform for Action. This report firmly situates girls as critical partners for change, who bring their own priorities and vision for realizing gender equality, and who must take their seat at the table, if Generation Equality is to realize its transformative potential.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 12 August at 8AM EDT
Where: Zoom platform
Who: Girl Advocates from the Philippines, Bolivia and Kenya will join Leaders from Generation Equality for this intergenerational dialogue.
Save the Children’s #ProtectaGeneration Campaign Policy Brief

Read Save the Children’s Beyond the Shadow Pandemic: Protecting a generation of girls from gender-based violence through COVID-19 to recovery.
This policy brief includes program examples and makes concrete recommendations for UN actors, donors, national governments, humanitarian actors, and the media to ensure that risk factors for gender-based violence are prevented, mitigated against, and responded to as an urgent priority through COVID-19 to recovery.
Translations are available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
Please read, share widely using the above share card and summary. You can also retweet here.
A Feminist Recovery Plan for Canada
From one of our Woman of Distinction Awardees: Check out A Feminist Economical Recovery Plan for Canada: Making the Economy Work for Everyone, a collaboration between YWCA Canada andthe Institute for Gender and the Economy!
Find more information on the website:

Save the Date: September Monthly Meeting
Date: Thursday, 17 September
Time: 7:30 – 9:30AM EDT
Registration link More information on the meeting will be shared in a separate email.
NGO CSW/NY 2020-2021 Calendar
Download a PDF of NGO CSW/NY’s 2020-2021 calendar here.
You can also see all of our upcoming meetings and events on our website.