Beijing+25 Online Books

Share your story by contributing to these online books!

Were you at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, 1995? If you were there—you are invited to contribute to My Memories and Messages for the Next Generation. This is an historic online book with stories, videos, and photos of your experiences at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. Download the flyer.

Young women in the arts are invited to contribute a story, a poem, a song, or other multimedia to the book, responding to a “critical area of concern.” Submissions must be received by June 1, 2021. Download the flyer.

Cheat Sheet: Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan

As the civil society Beijing+25 movement grew, it became clear that we needed to organize themes in order to address issues and achieve the Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan.

The six cross-cutting themes are:

  1. Inclusive development, share prosperity, and decent work
  2. Poverty eradication, social protection and social services
  3. Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes
  4. Participation, accountability and gender-responsive institutions
  5. Peaceful and inclusive societies
  6. Environmental conservation, protection and rehabilitation

The Feminist and Women’s Action Plan, developed by experienced civil society activists and experts, will leverage the power of global consensus and new alliances by utilizing the Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW and the SDGs, along with other international treaties, human rights mechanisms and international commitments like ICPD, New Urban Agenda, UNSC Resolution 1325, the Paris Climate Accord and others.

The process is open, welcoming, inclusive of the wide diversity of the feminist and women’s movements, creative action-oriented, brave and safe.

For more detailed information about the Feminist and Women’s Action Plan including challenges, steps, and suggested outcomes, click here.

You can sign up to join the Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan.

Make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter to receive regular updates on fwMAP!

Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan (fwMAP) Resources

Check out these resources to discover the legacy of the Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW and the SDGs so we can find courage.

As part of Beijing +25, the Feminist Women's Movement Action Plan (fwMAP) has launched a working group to get universities more involved. The fwMAP Women’s Human Rights Teaching and Advocacy Compendium Working Group aims to create spaces in academic institutions to further develop an understanding of women's human rights and feminist activism at the United Nations. University Teach-ins will be the primary delivery method for knowledge about women's human rights under international law and the legacy of major UN conferences and commitments. These will be undertaken with the goal to catalyze discussions and activities across disciplines within universities and with associated community and government organizations, so that students and communities are more knowledgeable and better equipped to respond to women's rights issues at the local level.

Teach-ins Phase 1 is underway. Six Thematic Groups are beginning the development of curriculum frameworks. If you are interested in participating, please email NGO CSW/NY at

Are you new to the six thematic areas? Or maybe you just need a recap on the issues? Check out these briefing papers by experts in each of the six thematic areas.

What does the Beijing Platform for Action say about the 12 critical areas of concern? Check out the fwMAP video series on Youtube for an introduction on the issues and some recommendations that are still relevant today. The Youtube channel also has videos by experts on the six thematic areas. Watch all of the videos here.