View this email in your browser In this issue: Save the Date: June Monthly Meeting Follow ups: May Monthly Meeting Other Updates: Nairobi Civil Society Conference Town Hall recording Summit
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  View this email in your browser In this issue: NGO CSW68 Forum Updates: Deadline to submit applications Exhibit Booths & Handbook Ads is February 12 Save the Date: Second Parallel Event Organizer Training Save the
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    View this email in your browser Peace for Gender Equality September 2023 Monthly Meeting   On 19 September, NGO CSW/NY hosted over 350 participants from all over the
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  View this email in your browser           Breaking Silos & the Status Quo: The Future of NGO CSW/NY and its Connection to Gender Processes at
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|*   View this email in your browser In this issue: Follow-Up: April Monthly Meeting In-Person Event: Documentary Screening Save the Date: May Monthly Meeting NGO CSW/NY Calendar of Events