View this email in your browser           Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Digital Age: Experiences from the Ground September Monthly Meeting        
  View this email in your browser           Implementing the CSW66 Agreed Conclusions: The Case for Widows, Women’s Land Rights & Inheritance June Monthly Meeting  
  View this email in your browser           CSW66 Outcomes Unpacked: Expert Roundtable Discussion April Monthly Meeting         For the next few months,
  Analyzing the Gains Made in the CSW66 Agreed Conclusions May Monthly Meeting     For the next few months, we are shifting the focus of our monthly meetings to
CSW66 Outcomes Unpacked: Expert Roundtable Discussion April Monthly Meeting   For the next few months, we are shifting the focus of our monthly meetings to address current CSW topics with
NGO CSW66 Forum Training February Monthly Meeting   Thank you to those who joined our February Monthly Meeting last week for a NGO CSW66 Forum Training! See the accompanying slides
  Follow-Up: NGO CSW/NY January Monthly Meeting    
        Recording: NGO CSW/NY December 2021 Monthly Meeting    
        Recording: NGO CSW/NY November Monthly Meeting    
    Deep Listening and Creative Collaboration 2nd Session Recording         Thank you to those who joined the second session of our Transformation through Inter-Connectedness series on