February Monthly Meeting


Theme: TBD Register here. More information about this event will be uploaded closer to the event.

NGO CSW66 Forum Training | February Monthly Meeting


Learn everything you need to know about attending the NGO CSW66 Forum on the Virtual Portal. We'll talk about the different aspects of the Forum, show a walk-through of the

NGO CSW/NY Consultation Day

Apollo Theater 253 W. 125th St., New York, United States

Join NGO CSW/NY's Consultation Day to officially kick off the NGO CSW66 Forum! The program will feature a conversation between the CSW Chair and UN Women Executive Director; an informational

Orientation Session | NGO CSW66 Forum

NGO CSW66 Forum Virtual Portal

Join this Orientation session on the first day of the CSW66 to learn the ins and outs of the NGO CSW Forum and CSW. This is a great session for

Advocacy Training | NGO CSW66 Forum

NGO CSW66 Forum Virtual Portal

Is this your first time attending the NGO CSW Forum or CSW? Want to learn more about advocating at the UN and CSW? Attend this session during the NGO CSW66