In this issue
Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan Updates
Generation Equality Forum Updates
Young Feminist Hub for Beijing+25
Share you or your organization’s work for Beijing+25
NGO Parallel Reports
NGO CSW64 Forum Updates
Updated Beijing+25/Generation Equality Civil Society Deck
More resources for Information about Beijing+25

Hello! I am an intern at NGO CSW/NY, and if you are hoping to get more insider information on all things Beijing+25 and CSW64, welcome! When I began my role in September, I felt overwhelmed – an individual standing in the midst of so many incredibly engaging and interesting conversations and action plans. I wanted to keep up with all of it, and with time, I did exactly that. In that regards, I am here to breakdown what all of this means and how it connects, and how you can be more meaningfully engaged in committing to the work we aim to achieve everyday! Read my breakdown of the Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan here! – Alisha Parikh
VoiceVoice conversations on Poverty eradication, social protection and social services and Peaceful and inclusive societies are now available for registration!
Read more about what these VoiceVoice conversations are in Alisha’s breakdown!
The next virtual Maestro conference’s topic is Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes on 4 February at 3:00 PM EST. You can register for this conference and future ones on our website.
Generation Equality Forum Updates
Input needed: Generation Equality Forum Civil Society Participation Criteria
We are looking for input on criteria for civil society participation in Generation Equality Forums in Paris and Mexico. Please submit your ideas and suggestions via this form.
Action Coalitions Leadership Process
The Core Group has announced the Leadership Process for the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalitions! Read all about the process in English, French, and Spanish.
Action Coalition Themes
The six Action Coalitions themes for the Generation Equality Forum have been announced! Read more about them here.
Generation Equality Forum Website
The official website for the Generation Equality Forum will be launching on 14 February.
The official website for the Generation Equality Forum will be launching on 14 February.
Young Feminist Hub for Beijing+25/GEF
A space for and by young feminists to organize, strategize and mobilize for Beijing+25 and the Generation Equality Forum
It offers a space for mobilizing, coordinating, organizing, information exchange, collaboration, and strategic planning to put young feminists and intersectional analysis as a framework at the core of the Generation Equality Forum (GEF). Become part of this platform and contribute to different aspects of the GEF as an active participant to stimulate action. We invite you to be bold, innovative, creative and bring your ideas for action and transformation.
Share your or your organization’s work for Beijing+25!
If you’d like to share what you and/or your organization are working on for Beijing+25, you can do so here. Activities can be local, regional or global. All responses are public so everyone can be in the know about different Beijing+25 processes around the globe.
Check out the responses so far!
NGO Parallel Reports
Thank you to those who have sent us your National Parallel Reports in preparation for Beijing+25!
For more information about the Parallel Reports and a list of reports we have received thus far, click here.
Please send all reports to
NGO CSW64 Forum Updates
- Read our Code of Conduct
- Registration for NGO CSW64 Forum is open
- Orientation Video Series
Beijing+25/Generation Equality Civil Society Deck
Curious about the Civil Society processes for Beijing+25 and the Generation Equality Campaign? Download our updated Civil Society deckthat explains the different groups and objectives that have been formed!

Thank you to those who have sent us your National Parallel Reports in preparation for Beijing+25!
More Resources for Beijing+25
UN Women’s Generation Equality page
Civil Society Advisory Group to the Core Group
Advisory Working Group
UN Women Generation Equality Deck