The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (or NGO CSW/NY) is a coalition of civil society organizations and individuals advocating for gender equality and the rights and empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity. As a substantive committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) and convener of global civil society for the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) session, we advocate for the setting and measuring of global standards on gender equality, and engage in multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance the human rights of women and girls worldwide.

The CSW is a UN body that monitors the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). The NGO CSW/NY's work is guided by the BPfA and that of the Commission.


To facilitate a platform for the voices and leadership of feminists and women's rights organizations globally who advocate for their inclusion in the United Nations in pursuit of gender equality


A world without gender discrimination or gender-based violence, where economic, political, and social policies encourage gender equality and equity


NGO CSW/NY is committed to providing a platform in person and on-line for the NGO community to advocate for gender equality at United Nations New York, during the annual Comisssion on the Status of Women. We also provide trainings, e-manuals and networking opportunities during the commission.

The NGO CSW Civil Society Fourm runs parallel to the United Nations Comisssion on the Status of Women, providing civil society the space, platform and opportunity to engage / advocate / network and showcase thier work on the side-lines of the Comisssion.

We create safe, supportive, inclusive, and empowered spaces in person and on-line to bring together women's rights activists, feminists, and gender equality advocates from around the world to collaborate partner and support the collective efforts to acheiving gender equailty.

Each month, we host an open meeting with expert speakers on topics related to gender equality, or issues connected to the priority theme of the Comission on the Status of Women. All meetings are free and open to the public.