Meet in small, self-moderated conversations that cover the Beijing Platform for Action critical areas of concern: Women and poverty, Women and the economy, Human Rights of Women, the girl child, and Women and health + CEDAW + SDG targets.
Choose your own day and time. You can also decide another time and date and invite others.
Register for upcoming conversations on all six themes.
As we prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Beijing, take stock of our progress towards achieving gender equality and examine the threats, barriers and gaps that remain, we do not have to reinvent the wheel. Let us use the Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW and other human rights treaties, the SDGs, as well as a host of other international commitments such as the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, New Urban Agenda of Habitat, UN SC resolution #1325 and related resolutions and the Paris Climate Accord to measure our progress and make our demands clear.
You have been invited to these virtual dialogues because of your activism and deep passion for gender equality and women’s human rights.
Our goal is to build community and create new alliances. Let’s work together towards a transformative framework for a Feminist and Women’s Movement Action Plan (fwMAP).
The conversation today is an interactive, small-group video conversation about “Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes.”
“Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes” covers the Beijing Platform for Action critical areas of concern, which include: Violence against women, Human rights of Women, the Girl child, and Women and health + CEDAW + SDG targets.
We are looking forward to having you join the conversation. Before jumping in we are asking everyone to read these articles about Freedom from violence, stigma and stereotypes.