Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights confirms everyone’s right to education. The CSW67 priority theme focuses on: “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and a review theme “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls”. This is where NGO CSW/NY sets its agenda for the October 2022 Monthly Meeting.
In line with the UN Secretary General’s Report on “Our Common Agenda”, the importance of a renewed social contract geared towards achieving gender equality through innovation and technological change must be acknowledged. NGO CSW/NY advocates for education through the digital empowerment of women and girls by increasing their access to digital resources, training, and affordable internet.
Tangible outcomes from the recently concluded Transforming Education Summit includes the creation of multiple online platforms to train member states, local governments,and educators to transition their education systems into a digital space. NGOCSW supports gender inclusive initiatives aimed at empowering women and girls, increasing their access to lifelong literacy through enhanced digital education and innovative technologies.
Each month we endeavor to bring together a multilateral expert panel to share the spotlight on the work and efforts made to bridge the digital divide through technological innovation and increased educational and financial learning that empower women and girls.