Generative Conflict 3rd Session Recording Thank you to those who joined the third session of our Transformation through Inter-Connectedness series on Monday, 4 May. Read the chat from the workshop.
Thank you to the 700+ people who registered for this event! We had an amazing conversation about the emerging reality of young feminists and global advocacy for Beijing+25 and Generation
In this issue April Monthly Meeting RecapTransformation through Inter-Connectedness SeriesVirtual NGO CSW64 Forum EventsWomen Rise for AllFeminist and Women’s Action Movement UpdatesFinancing for Development ForumSave the Date: May Monthly Meeting
Deep Listening and Creative Collaboration 2nd Session Recording Thank you to those who joined the third session of our Transformation through Inter-Connectedness series on Monday, 20 April. Read the chat
In this issue Message from the NGO CSW/NY ChairNGO CSW/NY Virtual Conversations: Transformation through Inter-ConnectednessVirtual NGO CSW64 Forum EventsCSW64 Political DeclarationBeijing+25 Study Group Recommendations DocumentNew York NGO Parallel ReportSave the
Workshop on Presence and Connection 1st Session Recording Thank you to those who joined the third session of our Transformation through Inter-Connectedness series on Monday, 20 April. Read the chat
In this issue NGO CSW64 Forum Cancellation NoticeCSW64 Cancellation NoticeRegister: Virtual Consultation DayLog On. Rise Up. Webinar by World PulseVirtual Parallel Event PossibilitiesCSW64 Statements from NGOsHigh-Level Meeting and Multi-Stakeholder Hearing#MyEqualityDeclaration CampaignFeminist and
It is with a heavy heart that we have to share this regretful news with you. Following the recommendation by the UN Secretary-General on the coronavirus sent on Friday, 28
In this issue Parallel Events ScheduleParallel Events Rules and Code of ConductPurchase a Handbook Ad Now!Caucus of Women and Girls of African DescentConsultation Day and Reception TicketsFeminist & Women’s Movement
In this issue Feminist & Women’s Movement Action Plan UpdatesGeneration Equality Forum UpdatesYoung Feminist Hub for Beijing+25Share you or your organization’s work for Beijing+25NGO Parallel ReportsNGO CSW64 Forum UpdatesUpdated Beijing+25/Generation Equality