NGO CSW Forum Reports

Read the report to learn about the different aspects of the Forum, the planning process, outcomes, and how we plan to improve future Forums!

Zero Draft Recommendations

Download the PDF of the Civil Society Zero Draft Recommendations for CSW65, prepared by the Advocacy Research Group.

NGO CSW63 Zero Draft Recommendations

Download PDF: NGO CSW63 Zero Draft Recommendations

Initial Recommendations for the Agreed Conclusions of CSW63

Although the United Nations' Charter has mandated "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to sex" since 1948, girls and women in every member state, low and high income alike, still, do not enjoy the dignity, autonomy, and equity that human rights legislation is intended to defend. Civil society reaffirms the progress made toward the realization of these rights over the subsequent  seventy years through the Universal Declaration, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1976), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (1979), the Convention on the Rights of the Child ( 1989), the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1995), the Kyoto Protocol (1997), Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children (2000), Maputo Protocol (2003), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), the Istanbul Convention (2011), General Assembly Resolution 68/181 protecting women human rights defenders (2013) the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (2015), the Paris Climate Agreement (2016), as well as the recently adopted Global Compacts on Migration and on Refugees (2018). Still, change on the ground has often been piecemeal and erratic, accompanied with violent backlashes of violence against women and girls. Hence, there is a growing consensus that we need to refocus on a new dimension, an ethical, moral and spiritual one.

As we commence the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women,  civil society thanks member states in advance for exhibiting the receptive and collaborative spirit necessary to progress from repetitive rhetoric toward concrete action to dismantle all social, political and cultural systems which prevent the fulfillment of the aforementioned conventions and perpetuate gender inequity. Given sufficient political will, gender-sensitive social protection systems not only safeguard human rights but also standardize the quality of and access to goods and services and sustainable infrastructure which, in ensuring a dignified standard of living, lay the foundation for women and girls' empowerment. The agreed conclusions must, therefore, mandate that well designed social protection systems and quality public services, such as healthcare, education, water, sanitation, transport,  nutrition, natural and economic resources are universally available, affordable, and accessible to all women and girls in all contexts, regardless of ethnicity, indigeneity, race, religion, age, gender, marital, employment, or migration status. Furthermore, these frameworks must be intentionally expanded and adapted to protect marginalized populations throughout the life cycle including but not limited to girls and women who are widows, divorcées, stateless or internally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented or irregular migrants as well as those who are incarcerated, living with chronic illness, mental or physical disability. In order to achieve this reality, the following 21 recommendations must be incorporated into each version of the agreed conclusions of CSW63.


1.    Recognize access to an adequate supply of safe and affordable drinking water as a fundamental human right for all women and girls, especially those living in vulnerable situations, under-resourced urban areas, geographically isolated regions, and rural or informal settlements. Guarantee safe and hygienic sanitation systems, including affordable, sustainable, and accessible means of menstrual hygiene in schools, workplaces, and public spaces. Eliminate the increased risk of violence that girls face in performing domestic and agricultural tasks such as collection of water or firewood, in addition to stigma and misinformation regarding menstruation. (SDGs, 6.1, 6.2, 9.1, 10.3, 12.5; A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/3/217 A, articles. 1 and 7; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para. 106(x) and 178,  A/RES/34/180 article 14(h), A/RES/45/25, article 24(c); A/73/162; HRC/39/55; E/2018/26 E/CN.5/2018/6; A/HRC/20/24; A/HRC/28/68; A/RES/20/2106 )

2.    Increase access to safe, affordable, gender-responsive means of transport for women and girls, including those living with disability. ​Sustainable cities, including links to rural and isolated communities  as well as informal settlements, must be constructed with public transport  systems designed, operated, and maintained to facilitate access to healthcare, education, and employment. (SDGs 9.1, 10.3, 11.2, 11.3, 16.2; A/RES/21/2200; E/2018/26 E/CN.5/2018/6;A/RES/34/180, art14(h); A/RES/45/25, article 23;A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/61/106; )

3.    Take proactive measures to mitigate detrimental effects of climate change, including increases in natural and manmade disaster, conflict, human displacement, and economic instability,​while addressing the needs of girls and women who are disproportionately  affected, including those living in geographically isolated, mountain, island, or desert communities in addition to informal settlements and refugee camps.​Embrace Indigenous and community knowledge as well as the expertise of local women and girls with regard to disaster resilience and sustainable development. Take decisive action to eliminate pollution while increasing investments in clean, sustainable, and ecologically appropriate  energy sources. Enforce the safe and ethical management of industrial by-products, chemical toxins, and related environmental contaminants. (SDGs 1.5,3.D, 3.9 6.3, 6.6, 6.B, 10.3, 11.4, 11.5, 12.4, 13.3, 13.B, 15.4; A/RES/21/2200; E/2018/26 E/CN.5/2018/6;A/AC.237/18 (Part II)/Add.1 Annex I; A/RES/69/313; A/CONF.231/3; A/73/12; FCCC/CP/2015/L.9; A/RES/20/2106)

4.    Systematically expand the meaningful engagement of local girls and women as leaders in all levels of program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. ​Implement structures to facilitate ongoing collaboration between governments, academia, media, civil society, religious organizations,  and the private sector. Invest in measures to recruit, train, and retain well-qualified educators and healthcare professionals in the public sector. (SDG 1.A, 1.B, 6.B, 10.3;A/RES/21/2200 ; S/RES/1325; A/RES/45/25 article 3(2) and 12;A/RES/34/180 articles 7,8, A/CONF.177/20/Annex II para 58(a); A/RES/20/2106)

Implementation & Good Practices: Public Feb 1


1.      Eliminate food insecurity and ensure that the specific nutritional needs of young and adolescent girls, older women, caregivers, expectant and new mothers are met. E nhance the accessibility of nutritious food, supplements, and medication in urban food deserts, rural and geographically isolated communities. Systematically increase health literacy while scaling-up access to WASH initiatives. (SDG 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 5.A,10.3;A/72/829;A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/20/2106, A/RES/3/217 A, article 25(1); A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para57(f) and 106(f); A/RES/34/180, article 12a; A/RES/45/25, article 24)

2.    Fully realize the right of all girls and all women to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health by taking concrete action to reach universal healthcare coverage, including financial risk protection and family planning services, by 2030. Strengthen community-based  systems of care and extend coverage to all mental, neurological, and substance use disorders as well as geriatric, sexual, and reproductive healthcare. Furthermore, women employed in the informal economy must receive equitable coverage, and high-quality care must be made affordable, accessible, and available to all women and girls, regardless of migration or minority status. (SDGs 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 5.6, 10.3; E/2018/26 E/CN.5/2018/6; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A, article 25(1); A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para 57(k), 106(c,d,e,q)),147(f),165(n); A/RES/45/25, article 27)

3.    Pensions, social protection systems, and income security measures must incorporate the cost of care for women and girls living with chronic illness, physical or mental disabilities. Caretakers, including those not employed in the formal economy, must receive adequate compensation to maintain a dignified standard of living for themselves, their families, and all dependents.  (SDGs 1.3, 3.4, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A, article 25; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para 58(g,o) 106(d)); A/RES/34/180 article 11(e) and article 14(h);  A/RES/45/25 articles 26 and 27; A/RES/61/106 )

4.    Ensure access to quality mental healthcare and facilitate networks of psychosocial support, especially for survivors of conflict, socio-political, natural and manmade disaster, human trafficking, modern slavery, and all forms of violence. End each and every form of detention for displaced and migrant children, preserve family unity, and guarantee additional protection and support for unaccompanied girls. E ngage relevant community and civic leaders in stigma reduction efforts while increasing access to accurate information. Address human rights abuses and all forms of discrimination towards women and girls living with mental illness or disability. (SDGs 3.4 5.1, 5.2, 10.3, CEDAW art 14;A/HRC/20/24; A/HRC/28/68; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/61/106, A/RES/45/25,article 39; A/RES/55/25)

Implementation & Good Practices: Public Feb 1


1.    Ensure access to free, meaningful, and relevant curriculum throughout the life course. Reinforce structures facilitating equitable and timely access to education for all students, including nontraditional students of all ages, and girls who are married, pregnant, widowed or mothers, and those living with physical and mental disabilities or in geographically isolated regions. Guarantee timely access to quality education for all women and girls who are refugees, internally displaced or stateless persons, asylum-seekers and migrants, independent of legal status. Promote and protect indigenous knowledge and native language use. (SDGs4.1, 4.6, 4.7, 4.A, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A article 26; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II para 58(l), para 81(a,c) and 83; A/RES/34/180 article, 10(c,e,f)A/RES/45/25, article 28;A/RES/45/158;A/RES/61/106)

2.    Support the economic empowerment of all women and girls through technical and vocational training, as well as a curriculum which emphasizes numeracy and financial literacy while building skill sets in STEAM disciplines ​(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Increase sharing of good practices;  provide all necessary resources for experiential and exploratory learning, including laboratory science and the fine arts. Generate novel pathways for female engagement in the formal economy and global marketplace through information and communications  technologies. (SDG 1.4, 4.3,4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 5.B, 8.3, 9.C, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106, A/RES/3/217 A articles 26 and 27, A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para 58(l), 62(i); 80; 81(a,c); 82(a,e,q,h,);83; 147(g); A/RES/34/180, article 10(c,e,f); A/RES/45/25; article 23 and 28)

3.    Strengthen primary, secondary, and tertiary education and implement early-childhood education for all families. Provide educators with sufficient training and resources, including safe and accessible school facilities, in order to protect and promote girls' right to optimal development. Integrate support structures to facilitate and increase girls' successful  transition throughout primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Implement community-led programming to improve the health literacy of all girls and women, including the dissemination of accurate information on sexual and reproductive health and family planning to adolescents. (SDGs 4.2, 4.A, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/3/217 A, article 26(l); A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, paras 58(l),80(b), 81(a,c), 83; A/RES/34/180 article 10; A/RES/45/25, article 23 and 28)

4.    Improve the collection of disaggregated data monitoring rates of enrollment, attendance, and completion by age, gender, socioeconomic, and minority status. Eliminate social, financial, and geographic barriers to girls' school attendance. Proactively respond to analyses in order to promote gender equity in accessing higher education and economic opportunities, especially in fields in which women have traditionally been under-represented. (SDGs4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 10.3;A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/3/217 A, article 26(l); A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, articles 80, 81, 82, 83; A/RES/34/180, article 10(f); A/RES/45/25 article 28)

Implementation & Good Practices: Public Feb 1

Employment & Economy

1.    Foster social inclusion through equal remuneration, elimination of the gender pay gap, and significantly increasing the number of women and girls in positions of leadership across all fields. Utilize micro-financing and direct cash transfers to promote female entrepreneurship.  Equalize the distribution of unpaid care-work across genders and eliminate social norms which traditionally place the burden of domestic tasks and responsibilities on women and girls. (SDG 1.4, 5.5, 8.5, 8.8, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4; A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/3/217 A articles 1, 7, 21(1,2), 23, A/RES/20/2106; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para165(a,b,n);article11(d))

2.    Guarantee and enhance pathways for women in the informal economy to benefit from and contribute to social protection schemes. E nsure the transferability of pensions, and protect the economic and labor rights of all women, including displaced, migrant, and domestic workers, regardless of legal documentation or immigration status. Immediately terminate all exploitative employment practices, including child labor, and increase investments toward gender equity in retirement. (SDGs 5.4, 10.2, 10.3, 10.7; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A article 23 and 25; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II para 58(a,f,g,i,k,x),68, 147(b,c,d,f),152;A/RES/34/180, article10(c,e);11(e), 13(a), 14(2c),14(h))

3.    Standardize paid family leave across all sectors of the economy. ​Maternity protection must encompass perinatal healthcare, workplace protections against discrimination and dismissal, as well as sufficient income to avoid jeopardizing the health and wellbeing of both mother and child by a premature return to work. Family leave must also be made universally available to the mother's partner, and its use not only normalized but encouraged. (SDGs 5.5, 5.6, 3.7, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A, article 25; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II,para 58(i,m,o ) and 165; A/RES/34/180 articles 11,12,13,14,15; A/RES/45/25 Articles26 and 27)

4.    Implement a universal basic income that, in keeping with cost of living, is sufficient to protect the human rights to shelter, nutrition, and health for all women and their families. ​Provide specific benefits to address the nuanced needs of marginalized populations including displaced, widowed, or divorced women and girls, and women and girl heads of household. (SDG 1.2, 1.3, 5.1, 5.4, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A, article 25; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II,para 58(i,m,o ) and 165; A/RES/34/180 articles 11,12,13,14,15; A/RES/45/25; Articles 26 and 27; A/CONF.231/3; A/73/12 (Part II); A/RES/55/25; A/RES/45/158)

5.    Promote and protect female land tenure, and our autonomous management of natural, agricultural, economic, and social resources. N ational and local legislation must explicitly protect the right of all women and girls to own, inherit, bequeath, and profit from the above resources, especially women and girls who are widows, divorcees, primary caretakers, or head of household.  (SDG 1.4,5.1, 5.4, 5.A, 10.2, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217, articles 1,7,16,17, A/CONF.177/20/Annex II paras 58(i,m,p), 61,165, 178; A/RES/34/180 article 15(2), 16(h); A/RES/45/25 article 27)

Implementation & Good Practices: Public Feb 1 g


1.  Protect and promote all women's autonomy in decision-making, accessing services, redeeming social benefits, and engaging in economic activities. Issue individual identity documents to all women and girls, regardless of migration status or birth registration. E nsure that the human right to social protection is reflected in both national and local legislation. Integrate and streamline service provision, enhance ease of access for women and girls who are widows, primary care-takers, or living with disability, or in geographically isolated regions or informal settlements. Provide accurate information regarding individual benefits. (SDGs, 10.2, 10.3, 12.8, 16.6,16.10;A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/3/217 A, article 1, 7, 16, 25; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II, para58(g, i,k,o), 61,62;A/RES/34/180, articles9, 14, 15,16;A/RES/45/25 article 3; A/CONF.231/3; A/73/12 (PartII);  A/RES/45/158)

2.   Address sexual harassment as a form of violence; implement structures to facilitate reporting and expedite redress for all forms of violence, abuse, and discrimination ​on the basis of sex, gender, religion, ethnicity, age, ability, or migration status. Combat trafficking in persons by reducing girls' structural vulnerabilities including generational poverty, limited access to education, and restricted social mobility. (SDG 5.2, 8.8, 10.3, 16.6;A/RES/21/2200;A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/3/217 A, article 1, 7, 4, 5,13,14,15, A/CONF.177/20/Annex II paras 107,124, 130(b);A/RES/55/25; A/CONF.231/3; A/73/12 (Part II); A/RES/34/180 article 6; A/RES/45/25 articles 3, 22,23,24,32,34,39)

3.   Systematically increase the equal and meaningful participation and representation of women, in all their diversity, in peacebuilding, climate action, politics, law enforcement, and the justice system.​Train first responders and service providers to consistently produce a gender and culturally sensitive response to conflict, manmade and natural disasters, and crises. Eliminate corruption at all levels, guarantee accountability and expedite access to justice and redress. (SDG 5.5, 5.C, 8.8, 10.2 10.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.7; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106; A/RES/3/217 A, article 1, 7, 4, 5, 21; A/CONF.177/20/Annex II 102, 107,124,130(b);S/RES/1325;A/RES/55/25;A/RES/61/106;A/RES/34/180, article7.8,9;A/RES/45/25 article 3)

4.   Engage and train boys and men in how to eliminate all social stigmas, gender-based norms, and patriarchy which perpetuate gender-based violence and inequity. Eradicate harmful traditional practices; implement and enforce legislation against female genital mutilation, female infanticide, son preference, harmful widowhood rites, breast ironing, as well as child, early, forced, and temporary marriage. (SDGs 5.3, 10.2, 10.3; A/RES/21/2200; A/RES/20/2106;A/RES/3/217 A, article 1, 7, 4, 5, 16(2), A/CONF.177/20/Annex II 102, 107,124, 130;A/RES/34/180 article15;A/RES/45/25)

Implementation & Good Practices: Public Feb 1

NGO CSW62 Zero Draft Recommendations

Systemic Barriers, Sustainable Development, and the Diversity of Rural Women and Girls CSW 62 provides a unique opportunity for rural women and girls, national governments and civil society to collaborate in the promotion of equitable, just and sustainable development at the local, national and global levels. As we review the challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls, it is imperative that we recognize rural women and girls as a multifaceted body of distinct communities having specialized strengths and nuanced needs. Attention and action must be directed toward the specific needs of subpopulations such as girls, youth, migrants, widows, indigenous and disabled persons as well as ethnic, religious, and gender minorities. Intersectionality between such groups must be evaluated and their compounding effects on inequity eliminated.

NGO CSW62 Zero Draft Recommendations

Gender Mapping Reports

The objective of this report is to provide an analysis of the positions of a wide range of UN Member States from all of the regions of the globe. Download the report.

Gendered Approach to the HLPF Report

A Gendered Look into the High Level Political Forum 2019

As the 75th UN General Assembly begins, so does the official launch of Beijing+25 and the Generation Equality campaign. This year, it is especially important that we closely examine how Member States approach the topic of gender equality and women’s rights. We can do so by analyzing the upcoming UN Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals on 24 – 25 September. This report, an analysis on this summer’s High Level Political Forum, provides a snapshot of each SDG being reviewed and emphasizes the importance of looking at each Goal through a gendered perspective.

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A Gendered Look into the High Level Political Forum 2018

NGO CSW/NY presents to you our A Gendered Approach to the High Level Political Forum 2018 that applies a gender lens and analysis to the six Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under consideration at the 2018 HLPF: SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities; SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 15 Life on Land; and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals. After presenting each goal with its targets and indicators, there is an overview of the goal, a list of benefits of integrating a gendered lens into the SDG and a section on Best Practices and Case Studies with links to access more information.

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